Aparat dozare Hot Melt cu pompa cu piston PerfectMelt SE

  • The innovative basic tabletop units with intuitive operation guarantee a maximum of saving energy and material.
  • Due to their compact dimensions they can either stand alone or they can be integrated into a master machine
    Standard Optional
    • One-Hand-Safety-Wheel-Control •  WLAN-Connection
    • Intuitive colour touch display • Control via iPad-App
    • 4 + 8 liter tank • Profibus & MODbus
    • 4 hose connections • Pattern-Controller
    • Robatech® / Fecu compatible • Adjustable control of timer

                          perfectMelt SE (2).jpg  


Date tehnice varianta standard 

Aparat dozare 

perfectMelt SE 4

perfectMelt SE 8

Cod produs  20044 20084
Volum rezervor 4 litri 8 litri
Conectiune maxima de furtune 4 furtune 4 furtune
Rata de topire hot melt 4 litri/ora 8  litri/ora
Pompa cu piston 14:1 14:1
Protectie carcasa IP53 IP53
Temperatura ambianta de lucru   5 °C - 45 °C  5 °C - 45 °C
Presiunea aer comprimat  6 bar 6 bar
Presiunea maxima hot melt 63 bar 63 bar
Domeniul de viscozitate max. 20 Pa·s max. 20 Pa·s
Debit 30 litrii/ora 30 litrii/ora
Precizie de reglare a temperaturii 1 °C 1 °C
Temperatura de lucru  45°C - 195°C 45°C - 195°C
Decuplare la depasirea temperaturii   Termostat + Software    Termostat + Software 
Tensiunea  230 V - 400 V 230 V - 400 V
Greutatea 39.2 kg 41.2 kg
Dimensiuni 52,4 x 57,8 x 33,2 cm 52,4 x 57,8 x 33,2 cm
Cod comanda  20044 20084